November 4, 2013

The Secret Circle: The Initiation

Okay, so I’m a bit late jumping on this boat. But better late than never, right? But I watched the TV Show, so I figured it was finally time I see what inspired the series. My apologies if I compare the two a bit too much.

Faye = bitch supreme. Like one of those chaulpa supremes at Taco Bell…Taco shell, ground bitch, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, cheese, and perhaps some hot sauce, if desired. No wait. Faye is hot. Definitely hot sauce. Comparing her to the Faye I’ve come to know and love on the show? Um, I might be friends with Faye on the show, but this Faye? Uh nooooooo way. No thanks. And then that stunt at the end….have I mentioned I really don’t like Faye in the books?

Cassie. Well what can I say about Cassie? BOOOORING. I liked her on the show. But here? She was just so timid and is pushed around so easily. I really don’t respect her as a main character at all. Fingers crossed this changes for other books.

Adam, wait, Adam has RED hair?! And they meet before New Salem?! Okay…But honestly, I liked this meeting better. It seemed more realistic that they could fall in love this way than the way the tv show handled it.

One thing I really didn’t like about the books were the random people and scene changes. One minute we would be deep into Circle talk, and then next she is talking to her mom and grandmother for like…three lines, and then back to Circle. Huh? Did Cassie teleport home real fast to ask about their BOS?

Overall, I liked the book, even though I knew the general premise of the story. But it was not fantabulous, so I’ll give it 3.5 stars.

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