September 3, 2013

Clash of Demons

Clash of the Demons involves Tom in new kinds of danger…from creatures that are not of his land.

****This post contains spoilers****

In the sixth installment of the series Tom travels to Greece to help his mother face an ancient evil: the Ordeen. Now, not much is explained about the Ordeen. Just that she is evil and she will kill and kill and kill and her followers will eat the dead she leaves behind. She also is an ally of the Fiend. So, it’s pretty important that they defeat her.

I was quite pleased to see Mr. Gregory out and about and actually helping this book. Although it seemed in the first few pages that he wasn’t going to help and that Tom’s apprenticeship with him would be over, he comes flying to them at last minute.

Of course, some not so wonderful things happened as well. Arkenwright came to help as well, and he died. I have to confess, I was more upset when his hound died. I kind of guessed he was going to die. After almost dying in the last book, I knew he would come into play again and this time he likely would not be so lucky. Alice was almost killed, but Tom uses the dark to save her…which concerns me. Tom is using the dark too much! But yay Alice and Tom are back together! Also, Tom's Mam dies after changing into a…new form and defeating the Ordeen. Because in this book we find out that Mam isn’t a Lamia. She is the Lamia. Like, as in the first. Who *clears throat* with Zeus and created the first Lamia witches. Ew. But I’m glad she became such a force for good!

The Fiend made a few appearances in this book. And Tom ended up selling his soul to the Fiend to save his friends' lives. Tom and Alice are perhaps the only ones who can defeat the Fiend, and the only thing keeping them safe is a small bottle of their combined blood. That doesn’t bode well for the future. And how is Tom going to get his soul back? Defeating the Fiend seems the only way.

Although Greece was exciting to see, I am glad we can go back to the County and the safety of the boggart.

I give this book a five out of five as usual. It kept me enthralled the entire time, and had several plot twists that I could never have guessed, especially the bit about Tom’s Mam being the Lamia. Well done, Mr. Delaney, well done.

I’ll be reading book number seven tomorrow. But I want to start reading NOW!

If you have read this book, let me know what you thought!

Have a suggestion for a book I should read? I take your suggestions and add them to my To-Read List, just add a comment and let me know what book I should read. Thank you for reading!

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