April 28, 2014


This is a book I read during Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon!

I feel like I always do this. I kinda liked this book…and I kinda didn’t.

The story had a fantastic idea. Really awesome. But there were some things that just…I wasn’t cool with.

1. The relationship between Falpian and Ryder: They meet each other, they fight, they become grudging companions, and then suddenly they are bffs because they are inside each other’s brains. I would have liked to see more development here. I didn’t really ever feel attached to any of the characters. It wasn’t because Coakley’s writing was bad, I just think it was rushed. This book needed like…400 more pages.

2. The villain: WHHHAAAT? There are three distinct villains, none of which are really that hard to defeat/foil. You start out thinking the Baens are going to be the enemy, and I like how the two boys of different races bridged that gap, but then there was a vacuum of zero enemies and I feel like Coakley just threw some random people in as enemies so the story would make sense. It didn’t.

It was a fast read, and an interesting concept, but because of the two critiques I can only give this book 3.5 stars.

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