August 20, 2014

The Key to Rondo

I love Emily Rodda.  I devoured her Deltora Quest books when I was little.  I loved them so much I started reading them aloud to my two little brothers.  We got through 4 of the books before they became “too old” to be read to.

I really should re-read the series now that I am older, just to see if I still love it as much.  But since I am on the topic, I’d like to show off the beautiful cover art of the series.  AWESOME.

If those covers don't shout: READ ME!  I don't know what does.
I was nervous to read this book, thinking it wouldn’t live up to my love for her other series.  I had nothing to be worried about.  The Key to Rondo was AMAZING.  

Let’s just talk about this bit of text:
“There are three rules to the old painted, music box: 
Wind the box three times only. 
Never shut the box when the music is playing. 
Never move the box before the music stops.”

Um.  Brilliant.  This one section does SO much.  The reader asks why- why does this beautiful, mysterious music box have such rules?  The reader also knows that one of the main characters is going to break the rules.  And immediately the reader wants to read the book.  Or at least, this reader did.

It was very reminiscent of The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis, but SO much better.  That is saying a lot, because I adore The Magician’s Nephew.

A full five stars for an AWESOME book.  I will most definitely be reading book two and three.

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