August 18, 2014

Bout of Books Goals

Today starts the Bout of Books Read-a-thon.  I am a bit tardy on getting  up my goals, but here they are!
Bout of Books

Don't know what all the fuss is about?  From the Bout of Books' team, this is the official blurb explaining what this read-a-thon is all about:
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.

Goal One:
Read.  I sometimes get a bit obsessive about my other hobbies- currently I am drowning in fabric.  This is the perfect excuse to put away my projects and read.  

Goal Two:
Read early.  I have a terrible habit of NOT reading because I am worried about reading too much (as if that actually was a thing…). When I was reading a book a day I would start the book immediately when I got home from work so I finished it around 9 or 10pm.  This way I could go to bed at a reasonable hour.  If I start a book at bedtime there will not BE a bedtime…

Goal Three:
Read for fun! Not really an actual goal.  I love reading, so most reading is fun.  But I have a bunch of books here I have always wanted to read but just never set aside the time to actually DO it.  I’m excited to have the excuse now.

Goal Four:
Get one other person to join me on at least one of the days.  I have three potential people whom I have recruited for this task. 

One- my mother.  My mom has always been the Oprah’s List kinda woman.  But recently she has strayed into the YA magical realm.  She enjoyed Divergent, loves Twilight and the Host, the Hunger Games…basically all books I think are ehhhhh, but still progress!  I gave her a list of books to read.  Mostly she has only vaguely liked them, but next up is The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson.  It’s Sanderson.  How could she possibly dislike it?  I am hoping she will sit down and read with me one night.

Two and Three- Two and Three are very dear friends who adore reading as much (maybe more) as I do.   We used to have a book club where we would discuss books together.  This has fallen apart, much to my sadness, but I am hoping we can get on Hangout to discuss some of the stuff we have read this week.  I also would like to feature a book review of theirs on my blog at one point…maybe this week!

Goal Five:
Read six books.  I know I am way too busy to have kept up the book a day thing, but still I am very sad that I was not able to keep up my goal of 364 books in a year.  So to honor that, I would like to stretch for at least six books.  Hopefully seven to complete the week, but life happens, so I am going to make the minimum six.

The Books!

176 pages
I don’t know how I haven’t read these yet…I have seen the movie but not read the books. *gasp*  I actually saw the movie because Colleen Atwood is my favorite designer…but I digress.  Should have read the books by now.  Very excited to see what all the fuss is about.

272 pages
My brother hates reading.  He owns maybe 15 books.  He has read maybe 10 of those.  5 of those books happen to be from this series.  He ADORES this series which confounds me because there is a girl on the cover.  When we were little I would give him my favorite books to read and he would give them back because they were primarily female protagonist books.  Too girly.  So why this female protagonist stole his heart, I have no idea.  But I intend to find out!

352 pages
I have been meaning to read this book for a while.  I love Emily Rodda.  I used to read Deltora Quest aloud to my brothers.  Words cannot express how much I love that series.  I stumbled upon this book when I was gathering books for the 24 Hour Read-a-thon, but I didn’t end up reading it then.  Very excited to read it now though.

450 pages
Oh HEY! An adult book?!  I had no idea Linda Hilburn was coming out with a follow up to Vampire Shrink.  I read Vampire Shrink in 9th maybe 10th grade and adored it.  But I am really worried about this book not meeting my expectations.  I haven’t read Vampire Shrink in 8 years (give or take), I only remember a vague plot, and I am worried the second one will not live up to my memory of the first.  I could re-read the first…but I have too many books on this list as it is!

320 pages
I have not heard of this book before, but Tudor period and witches?  It’s got to be amazing.  Of course I probably will end up being really pissed off by the historical or clothing inaccuracy…but fingers crossed the author has done her homework.  Because if she has this book has the potential to be AWESOME.

364 pages
I don’t know how I missed this fad.  I do remember seeing the sequel: Seeing Red displayed in every Barnes and Noble and Changing Hands and thinking “WOW I need to read that book”, but I never bought it because it was the second and I wanted to read the first one first.  Well- here we are.  Many years later.  Finally I am going to read the first book.  It’s an Alice tale- it’s got to be amazing, right?  *fingers crossed*

So that probably was way too much information- but I think it accurately illustrates how excited I am for this read-a-thon.

Total pages count: 1,934 pages


  1. I listened to 7 of the Lemony Snicket books last BoB. They were ok, I wasn't overly impressed. I hope you like it more. :) Good luck on your goals! Here's my BoB RaT Goals.

    1. I am very worried about that... especially since I am a bit older than the normal audience. Thank you, good luck to you as well!

  2. Yaaay! I'd love to join you for one of the days--maybe Friday evening?

    You have a lot of interesting books on your list, a few of which I've read :) A Series of Unfortunate Events is not always the most entertaining series. It can be extremely funny, but it's also (expectedly) really depressing. Like, it can be overwhelmingly depressing. Plus, it is a kid's series. That said, he did some really awesome things with symbolism in his books, which you might like. I'm not sure how early that comes into the series, though (I'm primarily thinking of the last book. I was pretty young when I started the series and I only ever read them once).

    The Land of Elyon books always catch my eye, although I've never read them. I'd love to hear your thoughts on these :)

    Also, it sounds like Emily Rodda needs to go onto my to-read list...

    Finally, The Looking Glass Wars... I was TOTALLY into this fad when these books were big. It's a bit of a love-hate relationship. Maybe I should give the books a second read, because it's been a while. It's a trilogy. I LOOOOVED the first book. I thought the second book was alright, and I wasn't super thrilled with the third. But the first book? Awesome. It's just got this great feel. And when you open up the first book, there's a series of illustrations (one on each page) that are just kind of awesome and gave me chills the first time I read it. It's just super interesting--a greeeeat take on the Alice in Wonderland idea. And it's definitely got a king of Tim Burton's Alice feel to it <3333

    1. YES! I don't work on Fridays, so whenever you get off work, or get Elwyn to sleep- just let me know and we can read/discuss :D

      I have a feeling I am not going to like the Series of Unfortunate Events. I LOVE Lemony Snicket's "The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming" I think it is hilarious...morbid, but hilarious. But after the first two chapters of this I am just rather bored. But I am going to give it another try!

      YES Emily Rodda most CERTAINLY needs to be on your list. Elwyn would love the series, I am sure :D Probably as much as you will.

      I also have a love hate relationship with the Alyss books. Can't wait to see your reaction to my review :D


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